Guest post: Medicine for the soul by @maisymoon


Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset"I’ve always been a firm believer that nature is medicine for the soul. A sun-drenched desert day has the power to fill the heart, a crisp mountain breeze will clear the mind, and the thunderous roaring of a waterfall leaves the body humbled, energized, and rejuvenated with new life and inspiration"

Thanks to our amazing guest @maisymoon and her post about medicine for your soul!

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“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity”, John Muir, Our National Parks.

I’ve always been a firm believer that nature is medicine for the soul. A sun-drenched desert day has the power to fill the heart, a crisp mountain breeze will clear the mind, and the thunderous roaring of a waterfall leaves the body humbled, energized, and rejuvenated with new life and inspiration.

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We’ve become too attached to technology, too accustomed to the monotony of our daily routines that days slip through our fingers, and time passes with nothing to show for it more than a few emails and a new favorite account to follow on our Instagram. Living in a time of so many technological advances, it’s never been clearer to me the importance of taking the initiative to disconnect and return to our roots.

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For me, this has always meant immersing myself as deep into the mountains as I possibly can. Whether I’m packing in a 20 mile round trip hike above 14,000’ elevation, or simply taking a minute to drive up and sit along the ridgeline, I’ve made a point to making finding the time to breathe in some fresh mountain air as much of a priority as eating, sleeping, and scrambling out of my bed every morning.

The mountains are my sanctuary, forever calling me home. There’s nothing more cherished and sacred to my being than spending a morning sipping my coffee and watching the wapiti (elk) graze around my feet, waiting for the first light to catch the looming peaks just right and the red glow of the sun illuminate from their sheer summits. These, more than anything, are the moments that make me feel truly grounded, truly connected, and truly alive.

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Taking the time to appreciate the great outdoors has been proven to be beneficial to human health and wellbeing, changing our brain chemistry in a positive way. Whether you’re hanging out at the top of a mountain, getting dusty in the desert sand, or just talking a walk around your local park, nature helps reduce stress and anxiety, improves moods, and gives you a nice healthy dose of sunshine (Vitamin D!), which works wonders to help you get a better night’s sleep by regulating our internal biological clock.

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Set aside sometime this week to turn off your phone, close your laptop, and head outside. If it’s sunny, soak it up. If it’s rainy, embrace the energy and renewal that it brings with every drop. Get out, get grounded, and re-fuel on the natural high the earth has to offer you!

Wash your spirit clean.

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"As long as I live, I'll hear waterfalls and birds and winds sing. I'll interpret the rocks; learn the language of flood, storm, and the avalanche. I'll acquaint myself with the glaciers and wild gardens, and get as near the heart of the world as I can".


Головокружительно Вдохновляющий пост, словно горный воздух! Спасибо

Bolonkinaa 2017年 1月 16日


