ספטמבר 23, 2015
Aloha Muses: New Autumn Vibes Campaign

We love autumn sincerely, it inspires us, fills with its warmth and unique coziness. Magic of golden reflections, warm wind in leaves in your hair. Our new seasonal editorial is already online. Watch full shooting in our shop and some bonuses you can find here!
Watch full campaign on alohagaia.com! Hope you liked it, leave a comment for us to know what you think? Aloha3 comments
You, guys, are creating such beautiful and warm stories! While watching the movie I thought, that it feels like somebody is hugging you) Dara, you’re the best
ינואר 16, 2017
This is very inspiring and sets to a certain romantic autumn cozy mood! ♥_♥
ינואר 16, 2017
спасибо за вдохновение! сразу же захотелось пойти гулять
ינואר 16, 2017