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MAR 是一位古老的卡累利阿冬季女神,与泼妇有关。在萨米文字系统中,结符号的意思是“狐狸精缠绕着她的足迹”。它类似于夜间动物在雪地上留下的足迹,以迷惑猎人。
925 纯银,天然石英。
宝石尺寸 5x7 毫米。
If you do not know your ring size, do not worry. It is easy to find out which size suits you best. Just follow our guide below. Keep in mind that it’s better to measure your finger during the afternoon when the temperature is around average, because during the day the width of the finger may vary up to half of the size.
每售出一件首饰,2 美元将捐给帮助乌克兰难民的基金